The Idea

I have written my programs because I like programming and because I have had specific needs. I don't want to make money out of those programs, so I could actually release them as FreeWare.

Then I thought it would be nice to collect picture postcards from happy users around the world, hence FreeWare+ was born.

The Rules

  • FreeWare+ is FreeWare, i.e. you can use it without the obligation to pay for it.
  • You may freely distribute the program provided you keep all the files of a given package together and unmodified.
  • If you like the program and decide to keep on using it, you are kindly invited to send me a nice picture postcard of your place of residence.

Please, feel free to contact me at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. to get my current Snail Mail address or if you have any suggestions or questions.

Last modified October 3, 2002